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March to a Million Compensation Plan

Unittus is more than just a company. We're a uWorld community with a mission. Unittus, founded by people, developed globally by people, for the enrichment, generosity and lifestyle improvement of the people and our planet. Unittus is committed to corporate responsibility, offering products & services to the global marketplace that are unique, beneficial and released to market priced sensitive for worldwide acceptance.

Our Independent, International Social Advisors (ISAs) are our most valued asset, and we reward them with our exceptional plan for immediate, long term and lifestyle benefit.

Unittus, founded by people, developed globally by people, for the enrichment, generosity
and lifestyle improvement of the people and our planet. . . Join us today!

*Income Disclaimer: The earnings portrayed in this literature are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that a Unittus International Social Advisor (ISA) can or will earn through his or her participation in the Unittus Compensation Plan. These figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading. Success with Unittus results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence and leadership. Your success will depend on how effectively you exercise these qualities to produce a result.

UNITTUS is a registered mark in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

This site and/or other services provided by Unittus are protected by multiple issued U.S. patents and includes additional “patent-pending” technologies.