Thank you for your interest in Unittus.
The world is changing...the needs, opportunities, challenges and behavior of people are changing. Even with the vast growth in global population, we are living history that is actually offering all of us very obtainable ways to communicate, interact and enrich our lives with people all over the world. I have participated in global commerce for over 25 years now, which has been one of my passions. It was actually the commercialization of the fax machine that allowed me to initiate such endeavors cost effectively in the mid-80's. Since then there's been a remarkable evolution in technology and communications platforms. Working side-by-side with people all over the world has became as easy as working with a coworker in the next cubicle. With the introduction of the Internet, the global floodgates were opened to allow for an "even" playing field for individuals and small companies to compete with what was before only accessible by very few conglomerates and global entities.
With the introduction of social networking, which now seems to be the last mile of connecting individuals all over the world regardless of purpose or reason in real time. It just so real that it's all a new game and the rules of how you play and who benefits is all changing. My second passion in life has always been to support and rally for the individual cause, the disadvantaged or person in need. It has been a lifelong quest to always attempt to bring benefit and enrichment to others, while respecting and appreciating life and the planet we all share together.
This has always been a fight for me, for I been blessed with an abundance of energy, compassion and ability to support and communicate for others. This fight has not been by traditional means but with a lifelong commitment, and desire to create a legacy of good, as my contribution while here on this earth. I have found that throughout my years, this desire has not weakened and withered or been satisfied, but has only grown stronger, more focused and with greater hunger and resolve to make a difference promoting and seeking good in this world. I have appreciated my transformation from serial entrepreneur to social entrepreneur as defined by one whom puts effort in evoking change for human benefit.
My last and greatest passion in life is to promote the entrepreneurial spirit within all. Being one myself for over four decades now, has brought me personally a richness in life experiences that money could never pay for. Unittus will offer the same type of opportunities for you, regardless of your interest, experience or personal's all here to share you passions, your unique qualities and most importantly your personal goals.
Unittus is building a uWorld Community, in which collectively together not only will we make a positive impact on the world, we will do it with NO ulterior motive, no political agenda, just simply a concept of creating the "true people's global company" with "U" as our partner.
No one can take on this task alone and I embrace your strong support to join our quest and partner with us for life.
Unittus is about a brand that exemplifies connecting and multiplying good and hope in the world; that is where we choose to put our energy and heart and we welcome you and your family to join our family at Unittus.
Jon Anthony Astore
Founder, Chairman & CEO
January 2012